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Nurture and GROW your email list using #TipTuesday

January 09, 20247 min read

How to use #TipTuesday to Nurture Your Current Email List PLUS Add Some New People to Your Email List!

Tip Tuesdays are the PERFECT day to share some VALUE with your audience as well as an opportunity to funnel in some NEW LEADS to your list!

The Power of Tip Tuesday

Why share a TIP every Tuesday? Because it's a simple yet impactful way to serve your audience. It builds trust, positions you as an authority on a topic & keeps your brand in the spotlight!

Serve by Sharing

Worried about giving away too much for FREE? Don't be 🙅🏼‍♀️ Sharing valuable information is an act of service that often leads to increased customer loyalty AND sales.

nurture email list new leads

Let's start with some ideas of what you can send to your CURRENT email list (people that are currently on your list can include: customers, former customers & LEADS aka potential customers that never ordered yet)

*it is best practice to have your email list segmented so that you can send targeted messaging to certain people. In this case potentially a certain email to customers vs. people that never ordered

Email Ideas:

The “THREE” email 

3 {tips, ways, hacks} to ____ (insert goal) 

Find & share 3 quick valuable hacks or tips to do help people hit their goals, get wins, save time, etc. 

*There are TONS of ideas on Pinterest! Think: New Year goals that people are working on; organization, fitness, etc; What TIPS can you share to help?!

The “I didn’t want you to miss this!” email

Did you recently post something that’s a “do not miss” piece of content? Maybe you hosted a webinar or event that people can catch on the replay? You can use an email as a way to remind people & share the link to the information.

**great for podcast episodes too! 

The “did you know?” email 

OMG, did you know that you can XX with XX?! 😱

Great for sharing a tip or hack that you just recently found or saw OR something that you know how to do that you’re always sharing with others 👏🏻 again GREAT for New Year content!

Writing Your Email:

Start with a SUBJECT LINE that gets them opening:

  • Don't _____ everyday! (do this instead)

  • Are you making this mistake, {first name contact}

  • I've never done this before {first name contact}

  • 3 ways to _____, {first name contact}

  • The secret to _____ a killer _____!

Add in the BODY of the email that you choose... remember VALUE forward!

Options to CLOSE OUT the email:

  • do you have a sale or PROMO going on?

  • maybe you're launching something to kick off the new year?

  • maybe you want feedback on something?

People don't know, unless you ASK! So add in a little PS. "Real quick while I have you, did you see....."

Want to ensure that even MORE people see your email from above?!

Layer it with a SMS (text) message!

Text messages have a 99% open rate contrary to emails which average about 15-20% (they are often overlooked 🥴)

Send a text message letting your subscribers know that you just sent them something valuable!

Option #1: send as just a text message; shorten it up! Sweet and to the point! Basically a shorter version of the email.

Option #2: send in addition to the email; you can let them know that you just sent some amazing-ness to their inbox!

"I just sent you some of my BEST New Year hacks to your email, wanted to make sure you didn't miss them!"

**start the text with a good HOOK!

  • Tired of (problem)?

  • I bet you don't know this hack!

  • Most people won't tell you....

  • Why is no one talking about....

Now let's talk using #TipTuesday to get some NEW Leads (aka people) on your list!

Here's the process:

First: Come up with a niche related tip (hack, recipe, workout, etc) *examples below

Then: Create some content sharing the tip with a call to action to get the other tips you have!

Example: share a quick tip to reduce cravings throughout the day. Night time sweet tooth?! I have your secret to busting those cravings for sweets!

At the end of your post, give a call to action "That was just one of my tips to help you keep those New Years resolutions! Want my other 6 tips that have my friends dropping that holiday fluff, comment TIPS below "

Ideas & Tips

Not sure what to share? Here are some TIP ideas for various different niches:

  1. Fitness Studio/Gym:

    • Tip: Share a quick workout routine or a health tip that aligns with common New Year's resolutions like getting fit or losing weight.

    • Call to Action: Encourage viewers to sign up for a free trial class or a fitness assessment to kickstart their New Year goals.

  2. Financial Planning Service:

    • Tip: Offer a simple budgeting or savings tip that people can implement for a financially healthier year.

    • Call to Action: Invite viewers to a free consultation or webinar on financial planning for the New Year.

  3. Health Food Store/Café:

    • Tip: Share a recipe for a healthy, energizing snack or a detox smoothie.

    • Call to Action: Promote a discount on ingredients or a special New Year meal plan subscription.

  4. Personal Development Coach:

    • Tip: Provide a mini-guide on setting achievable goals or maintaining motivation.

    • Call to Action: Offer a downloadable resource or an invitation to a goal-setting workshop in exchange for email sign-ups.

  5. Home Organization/Decluttering Service:

    • Tip: Share a quick home organization hack or a decluttering strategy.

    • Call to Action: Offer a free consultation or a discount on your services for the New Year.

  6. Local Craft Store:

    • Tip: Post a DIY home decor project that aligns with New Year's resolutions, like creating a vision board.

    • Call to Action: Encourage people to sign up for a workshop or to receive exclusive DIY guides through email.

  7. Marketing Agency:

    • Tip: Share insights on a marketing trend for the year or a quick tip to improve online presence.

    • Call to Action: Offer a free website or social media audit for businesses.

Your Action Plan

  1. Identify Your Tip: Choose one TIP that your audience will find valuable.

  2. Choose Your Medium for posting: I recommend sharing your TIP in a variety of forms:

    • Short-Form Video: A quick TikTok or Reel.

    • Email: Send an email to your customers & LEADS

    • Text: Send a shorter form of the email.

    • Stories: Share a story (I LOVE video!) highlighting the TIP. Encourage watchers to engage with a CTA to add them to your list for MORE TIPS!

    • Post: A social media post breaking down the TIP.

  3. Example Breakdown: Let's say your tip is an event planning service.

    • Video: "3 Things You Want to Look for When Booking a Venue for Your Next Event!"

    • Email: "Don't make these mistakes when booking your next event!"

    • Text: "Planning an event in 2024, here's one thing that could cost you hundreds extra!"

    • Stories: "Three hidden things to look for when booking your next event"

    • Post: "This ONE simple change can save you hundreds on the bill when you book your next event"

BONUS TIP: ask Chat GPT for help!

"Hey Chat GPT, can you help me come up with some valuable ideas for tips that I can share with my audience today! I help XX [insert target audience] to xx [result]."

It will give you some ideas, I use them for inspiration and then add my own spin!

As we dive into 2024, here are a few action points for you:

  1. Start building your email list if you haven't already. Every subscriber is a direct connection to a potential customer.

  2. If you have a list, revamp your strategy. Make it more personal, engaging, and valuable. Want to dive into your strategy TOGETHER and have a peek at what email marketing can look like for you? Book a FREE Call with me.

  3. Dive into the data. Understand what works for your audience and tailor your content accordingly.

Building an email list in 2024 is not just an option; it's a necessity for anyone wanting to make a significant impact in the digital marketplace. It's about creating lasting connections, understanding your audience, and leveraging direct communication for maximum ROI.

Let's make 2024 the year of effective communication and strong customer relationships through email marketing. Start building that list, and watch your business grow!

email marketing email list growth email list building

You Might Want to Check Out These Past Blogs:

How to Have Fun Building an Email List with a Challenge

Why You Need an Email List in 2024

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